Sunday, December 21, 2008

Chad's 1st Christmas Program

Chad has been enrolled in a little pre-school this year. He absolutly loves it!!! On Thursday, he got to do his first school program. It took him most of the program to warm up enough to actually sing and I did have to sit with him the entire time, but it was cute. All leading up to the program, he would sing me his program songs. He was so excited. Then, again, when the program had ended, he sang me all of his songs (the same ones that he refused to sing during the actual program). This picture depicts "Rudolph". And sorry for all the blurry pictures-I need a new setting on my camera but I never think to find one until I am ready to take the picture.

1 comment:

  1. How fun! Don't you love it....when they refuse to sing or say the things that you KNOW they KNOW! Rudolph does look cute though!
