Chad started preschool. This is his second year and he loves it! Tyler also loves the idea of school, and has to take his backpack every time I go to take Chad. Chad had his first field trip for the year. His class went to the fire station. He had a really good time, and when he got home with all of his treasures, he let each of us pick one to keep. I was supprised that he actually let Tyler pick and keep the firemans hat. This week, he will go to the pumpkin patch with his class. Should be fun!
Other events that kept us busy were the fair. The state fair runs the first week or so of September. Since my dad has a booth there, we go and help set up early. I also run part of the Mary Kay booth there, so we stay busy. It is so fun to go. The boys love the animals and seeing all the fun things there. Of course, you have to each when you go, but the food is really not as good as I remember as a kid. It has been a busy fall, and we are already getting ready for the holidays that are almost upon us. Do you realize-only 10 weeks till Christmas!